Cayden Helvey
It was a bright, overcast, Summer day in 2011. Fearless, 33-month-old Cayden David Helvey with 22q11.2 has overcome 5 surgeries. He jumped into the downtown Sanford North Carolina train park fountain with clothes and all.
It was a bright, overcast, Summer day in 2011. Fearless, 33-month-old Cayden David Helvey with 22q11.2 has overcome 5 surgeries. He jumped into the downtown Sanford North Carolina train park fountain with clothes and all.
Bailey was born in December 2004 and came home from the hospital as a healthy little girl. At 2 weeks old her doctor heard a heart murmur during a routine office visit and we were sent to a pediatric cardiologist to make sure that nothing serious was going on.
Alannah was born on 7th May 2006 after a normal pregnancy and very fast delivery. All appeared fine and we were thrilled with our little girl.