Cassie Lira
Cassie Lira was born September 10, 2008 as a full term healthy 6 pound 14 ounce little girl. As she got older she was not gaining weight or growing in height.
Cassie Lira was born September 10, 2008 as a full term healthy 6 pound 14 ounce little girl. As she got older she was not gaining weight or growing in height.
Easton was born in Raleigh, NC on April 4, 2014. He was a big boy weighing in at 9lbs and 7ozs. When he was born and we only knew about his cleft lip.
Hi everyone! I am Jordan James (JJ) and I am 4 years old (soon to be 5)! I decided to make my appearance 6 and a half weeks early and spent my first 6 weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
My son Bernando was born in Connecticut and diagnosed with 22q11.2 at birth. After his birth, he immediately had his first surgery which he did great!
Zane was born premature in Dallas, Texas on December 22, 2015. Unfortunately, he had a lot of struggles in the beginning of his young life and spent the first nine months of his life in the hospital.
Hello, my name is Sara and I am going to be telling you about my daughter Myla. Myla is a little over two years old now, she was born full term. My whole pregnancy everything was said to be absolutely perfect in every scan and ultrasound that we had received.
Teagan was born in June 2018, in Maryland. She surprised us at birth with an obvious cornea defect in her right eye. Due to the severity, they sent her by ambulance to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore,
Hunter was born in Jefferson City, Missouri to a mommy and daddy who had hoped and dreamed for him! He has an older brother who is very protective of him and a dog named Gunner whom he loves to play with.
Jackson was born August 19, 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was diagnosed with a VSD and ASD the day he was born.
When Christine was diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion at the age of 30, she finally had the answers to why her childhood had been so difficult.