Jonathan (“John”) Christopher Adams is now 21 years old. He was not diagnosed with Chromosome 22q 11.2 Deletion Syndrome until about the age of 13. He also has been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Complex.
John will be graduating from High School in June 2012. He lives in south-central Pennsylvania in the small rural town of Richland, Lebanon County, with his parents. John’s mother, Tara Myers, is a Nurse and a Parent and Child Advocate and Mentor, who is a frequent contributor to the many online support groups.
John loves music and his electronics (laptop, iPod, cell phone, CD player). He has two sisters and loves to spend time with his grandparents in a nearby county.
During his lifetime thus far, John has shown incredible talents and gifts, like writing poetry (he was published in the “Young Americans” series of books), painting and drawings, playing the piano (he taught himself to play “Fur Elise” by Beethoven in 5th grade, for a Talent Show – by heart, just from listening to the song), and singing. In 2009 John made his own professional CD, writing and composing the lyrics and music, called “Jadez Life.” He has sold numerous copies of his CD. Within this past year John has obtained his driver’s license and is in an employment training program.