- When on stomach, raises head and chest
- Opens and shuts hands
- Brings hands to mouth
- Swipes at toys
- Watches faces
- Follows objects or people
- Interested in environment when awake
- Smiles when hears a familiar voice
- Vocalizes cooing sounds
- Turns head toward sounds
Social Play
- Cuddles
- Enjoys being sung to
- Gazes into face
- Enjoys mobiles
Self Care
- Needs cuddling
- Lets you know when uncomfortable
- Learns to calm self
- Raises head and chest on stomach
- Rolls and begins to sit
- Reaches and grasps
- Passes toys from hand to hand
- Looks for dropped toys
- Explores toys in detail
- Mouths, bangs and shakes toys
- Communication
- Responds to own name
- Babbles and imitates sounds, laughs aloud
- Responds to “no” half the time
- Makes repetitive sounds like “baba”
- School play
- Enjoys peek-a-boo
- Squeals with delight
Self Care
- May hold bottle
- Cries or makes sounds to request food
- Gestures to get your attention
- Imitates sounds and words
- School play
- Shy with strangers
- Prefers primary care giver
- Repeats sounds or actions for attention
- When on stomach, raises head and chest
- Opens and shuts hands
- Brings hands to mouth
- Swipes at toys
- Watches faces
- Follows objects or people
- Interested in environment when awake
- Smiles when hears a familiar voice
- Vocalizes cooing sounds
- Turns head toward sounds
Social Play
- Cuddles
- Enjoys being sung to
- Gazes into face
- Enjoys mobiles
Self Care
- Needs cuddling
- Lets you know when uncomfortable
- Learns to calm self
- Walks well alone
- Enjoys pull toys
- Begins to run
- Climbs stairs by crawling or using banister
- Scribbles
- Builds tower of blocks
- Enjoys shape sorters
- Begins make-believe play
- Uses 8 or more single words
- Points to parts of body
- Understand many words and follows two-part directions
- Imitates words
Social Play
- Hands toys to others than takes them back
- Loves having an audience
- Laughs at some funny things
Self Care
- Feeds self with spoon
- Finger feeds
- Cooperates in dressing
- Starts to switch from bottle to cup
- Throws ball overhand
- Rides tricycle
- Hops on one foot
- Jumps forward
- Enjoys playground equipment
Thinking Skills
- Draws a picture of a person
- Uses scissors
- Knows color names
- Tells stories of recent experiences
- Uses 6 word sentences
- Understands concepts of big and little
Social Play
- Considers some children special friends
- Plays cooperatively with others
- Takes turns
Self Care
- Washes / dries hands and face
- Uses spoons and fork
- Likes a bedtime routine
- Puts toys away
- Somersaults
- Climbs on playground equipment
- Catches ball
- Rides bike with training wheels
Thinking Skills
- Plays simple board games
- Memorizes ABC’s
- Begins counting skills
- Draws people with 6 parts
- Copies circle and square
- Can tell what happened
- Asks questions
- Uses full sentences
- Defines familiar words
Social Play
- Considers some children special friends
- Plays cooperatively with others
- Takes turns
Self Care
- Dresses and undresses (except tying shoes)
- Begin to learn manners
- Washes self in tub
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At the International 22q11.2 Foundation we help families that need important resources and information to meet the needs of loved ones with 22q.